A few weeks ago we from Evolving Regions got the opportunity to present our project and climate adaptation in rural areas in the Welt am Sonntag, in the issue of 01.08.2021. For this purpose, representatives of the Social Research Center Dortmund, the regional promoter from the district of Soest, Anja Berg, Frank Hockelmann from the district of Soest and Rainer Wolf from the city of Soest, as well as Birgit Specovius from the city of Lippstadt met with Ms. Lauer from the World in the District of Soest. Of course, in compliance with the prescribed hygiene measures. After a short presentation of the project by Jürgen Schultze and Robert Tenambergen from the Social Research Center, the presentation of climate protection and climate adaptation in the district of Soest by Frank Hockelmann and Anja Berg and a short overview of the topics of the city of Soest by Rainer Wolf, the climate adaptation measures of the city of Soest were visited. These include a green roof for a school, a drinking fountain, water features and, as a highlight, the renaturation of the Soestbach stream, because it now has sufficient surface area for rising water levels during heavy rainfall. As a result, the creek serves as a retention area, habitat, and recreational space in the city.

After a lunch break, the tour continued to Lippstadt. Ms. Specovius first presented the climate protection activities of the city, before the climate adaptation measures in Lippstadt were visited. These included Südertorpark, the rebuilt Theodor Heuss Park, the new town hall, the Copernicus School and the “Auf dem Rode” development area. Afterwards, Robert Tenambergen and Jürgen Schultze used the remaining time to present the project from a scientific perspective.

We thank Mrs. Lauer and the world very much for the interest in our project and the climate adaptation measures in the district of Soest.
For Welt+ subscribers, the complete article is available at this link.