At the end of March 2022, the district of Minden-Lübbecke will start the last round of workshops in the climate adaptation process Evolving Regions. Since the summer of 2021, 15 workshops have taken place in the three thematic areas “Climate-resilient urban and settlement design”, “Agriculture and forestry” and “Climate-sensitive species and habitats”. Now the project is on the home stretch. Initial ideas for measures have been collected and will be finalised in the thematic workshops in March. There were experts from agriculture, forestry and water management, actors from nature conservation, planners, employees of district and local governments and politicians. In the summer of 2022, the roadmap should be ready – The roadmap for climate adaptation for the district of Minden-Lübbecke!
This article presents a small selection from the collection of numerous proposed measures for the district of Minden-Lübbecke.
Topic “Climate-resilient urban and settlement design:
- A model project for the greening of heavily sealed inner city areas
- Climate-adapted schools and schoolyards
- A district-wide guideline “Climate Adaptation in Urban Land Use Planning”

An excerpt from the ideas for measures in the field of “Agriculture and Forestry”:
- Climate stories from the region (farmers report on their personal experiences on the subject of “Climate Impacts”)
- Climate-adapted water management
- Funding programme for climate-resilient experimental tree species

First ideas for action in the field of “Climate-sensitive species and habitats”:
- Open space fund (bundling unused areas into an area pool, which thus benefits the local climate)
- Model farm peatland management (best-practice example for the nature-friendly use of rewetted peatlands)
- Renaturation measures with positive effects for climate adaptation (natural forest plots, river and floodplain restoration, etc.)