Starting point for the consultant training course on climate change adaptation

Dortmund/Duisburg. Within the framework of the Evolving Regions (ER) project, the training course “Qualification as a consultant (m/f/d) for climate adaptation processes” started on 24 September 2020. In five full-day workshops, participants are enabled to use the roadmapping method to optimise climate adaptation processes in municipalities. The training is carried out in cooperation with the Bildungszentrum für die Ver- und Entsorgungswirtschaft (BEW), which is a partner institution in the ER project. The training is aimed at consultants from consulting firms such as engineering offices, planning offices or communication agencies. In the first module of the training, the consultants* dealt with questions such as How to clarify the terms of reference for a climate adaptation process? How can the different actors at local level be best involved? What criteria should be considered in order to form a suitable team at local or regional level to accompany the road mapping process? To this end, case studies were worked on in a very practical way and the consultants were offered a protected discussion room and methodological support. Katharina Schrot and Jürgen Schultze from the Social Research Centre also presented technical inputs on various topics such as implementation planning and best practice examples from their many years of experience in working with municipal practice partners in the field of climate adaptation. Jens Hasse from the German Institute of Urban Affairs focused in his input on the importance, responsibilities and interfaces of climate adaptation in municipal administration. Sara Vollrodt, Project Coordinator for Evolving Regions on behalf of the Steinfurt District, shared the perspective of local government with the participants and reported specifically on the start of the process in the Steinfurt ER partner region. The training by Ralf Osinski and Daniela Tóth was embedded in the overall context of the BEW.
The further steps of the roadmapping method will be worked out in the coming modules. The complete programme of the training can be found on the BEW website. More information about the Evolving Regions project can be foundon Twitter.